What's the Best Eraser? (my opinion)

by Visiting author: Karla Mata

Most people don't realize this but there are different erasure qualities to erasers. Even though Pink Pearl® is chosen as the average eraser, perfect for school, the Hi-polymer Pentel® eraser is far more useful for artists. But after that what is best then? I'm stuck between choosing art gum or Magic Rub®.

The reason the Hi-polymer eraser is far greater than the Pink Pearl® is in it's ability to erase without damaging the paper. The Hi-polymer eraser doesn't agitate the paper. and leaves it smooth, unlike the Pink Pearl®. And of course the Hi-polymer Pentel® eraser completely erases pencil lines much better than the Pink Pearl®. In my opinion, next to the Pentel®, the best erasers would have to be the art gum and Magic Rub®.

Art gum and Magic Rub® don't agitate the paper. They leave the paper undamaged... that is if you use normal printing paper (also known as copy paper). Therefore I have come to the conclusion that I'm stuck between Magic Rub® and art gum.

Written by Karla Mata

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Nov 02, 2016
by: Jeff (Site Owner)

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Nov 02, 2016
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by: Anonymous

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Oct 07, 2015
Good post
by: Alene Douglas

Hello! Your site is awesome!

Jul 12, 2015
by: Aleena

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Oct 21, 2011
Staedtler Mars Plastic Eraser
by: Anonymous

Have you tried the Staedtler Mars Plastic Eraser?

Sep 05, 2010
I agree
by: artguy

I agree that the Pink Pearl is not the best suited for many art papers...there are many other erasers that are better suited for use with drawing.
The Magic Rub® is one of the erasers that I have used, and really enjoyed it.
Don't forget the kneaded eraser is one that will not harm most papers.
My suggestion is to try different types/brands of erasers. There are a bunch of them out there.

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Creating Depth in Hair

One of the types of erasers I use is a kneaded eraser. As I draw hair I use the kneaded eraser to tap out some of the graphite which creates the illusion of the hair receding deeper into the background. I then add more graphite on top to push-out some hair towards the viewer. I do this several times until I have several layers creating the illusion of depth.

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